Friends, today we will tell information about Palak Paneer recipe, Palak Paneer is such a dish that everyone likes to eat very much and it is very famous in India. Palak Paneer You can find in every hotel.

Palak Paneer is a dish of Punjab and it is very much liked in Punjab. Palak Paneer is made from spinach and paneer. It is rich in calories. 

You know that many nutrients are found in spinach and there are many nutrients in paneer too. And this Palak Paneer recipe is very easy to make. 

You can make Palak Paneer very easily at home and that too in 40 minutes, today for you to know 4 to 5 Palak Paneer recipe, then let's know how to make Palak Paneer.

Palak Paneer

Palak Paneer Recipe 

How To Make Palak Paneer.

    Ingredients of Palak Paneer

    1. Spinach = 400g

    2. Paneer = 250g to be taken

    3. Refined oil = 1 tbsp.

    4. Take cream/ghee = 1 tsp

    5. Cumin = 1 tsp

    6. Take turmeric powder = 1/4 tsp

    7. Tomato = 1 finely chopped

    8. Green chili = 2-3 finely chopped

    9. Onion = 1 finely chopped

    10. Garlic = take 4-5 buds

    11. Red chili powder = 1/2 tsp

    12. Garam masala powder = 1/4 tsp

    13. salt = as per taste

    How to make Palak Paneer recipe

    To make Palak Paneer, we must first wash and keep the spinach. Now after washing, cut the spinach a little thicker. And put it in a vessel and add more water and boil it for 2 to 3 minutes.

    And when the spinach is ready to boil, sieve it through a sieve. Now take out its water well, after the water drains out, now grind it on a mixer or cob. And prepare its paste.

    Now you will take a pan and put a spoon of refined oil in it and heat it, when it is hot, add cumin, chopped chili and garlic tempering to it, now add chopped onion and after frying for a while,

    now you finely chopped it. Add tomato and add turmeric powder, chili powder, garam masala powder and cook it well. And when the oil starts leaving, then you put spinach paste in it. Let it cook for another 2 minutes.

    You cut the paneer into pieces of about 1 inch and put it in it and stir with light hands. Now after this you cook it for 2/3 minutes more.

    And now you put cream / ghee in it and stir, now your Palak paneer is ready. Now you can eat it with roti or paratha and feed it to your family and take the taste like hotel at home.

    So friends, how did you like the method of making Palak paneer, definitely tell us in the comment

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